Moe McCoy
(Media Mogul)

A native of Grand Rapids, Moe McCoy is a filmmaker, philanthropist and well-known hip-hop artist. The owner of Team Fireproof, a film-making company, he has traveled throughout the United States advancing his career and sharing his talent with the masses. Some places he has lived include Colorado, Mississippi, Hawaii, Georgia, Florida and several cities in California including Oakland and Sacramento.
Now back in Grand Rapids, McCoy has launched the Fireproof Radio Show. Presently this show can be heard on 94.9FM every Thursday, but he hopes to take the show national on XM radio soon. The show includes two disc jockeys and a comedian, along with McCoy as the main host. Doug Sims is also involved in this project in the area of video production and photography. In the future, McCoy plans to add professionals in the area of marketing and promotions to the team.

Foundation Of Work

McCoy is involved in many ventures in both entertainment and marketing. This includes an upcoming movie entitled The Perfect Romance. Before producing this movie, McCoy took lessons learned from the making of his previous film, Tomorrow’s Never Promised. A romantic comedy, The Perfect Romance is the brainchild of Brandon Queshawn. In this movie, Queshawn functions as the star, co-producer, writer and co-director. It is a lighthearted, fun story which involves a radio host who is a ladies man. After being approached by a co-worker and challenged to be truthful, he finds himself in trouble with his many women. Released Christmas day, McCoy believes it will send everyone away happy. Although McCoy’s focus today is film making, this has not always been so. In fact, his career began with the rap group known as “The Nappy Head Assassins”. And after winning a few talent shows, this group would eventually get a record deal with KJ records. Unfortunately, this contract was never fulfilled because of business problems with the record company. Thus, the group dismantled and each member went on to pursue solo careers.

A change in McCoy’s music would next happen in 1999 when his pastor approached him and encouraged him to make a religious song. That song actually won the Holy Hip-Hop Award, and going forward, he found himself performing often at churches all around. But after a divorce and life changes, he would choose to return to mainstream hip-hop music. Next McCoy would begin touring with J Love, and as a result, people always viewed them as a group. Consequently, they decided to do two group projects and a movie, and then return to their individual solo careers. This meant coming up with a name for the joint group, which proved to be a challenge. However, because of the tumultuous experiences they’d had on the road, the name Fireproof was born (from the biblical story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego). The group Fireproof was all about delivering a positive message with clean lyrics. One of their earlier albums was called Rags to Riches and this work was honored with 13 hip-hop awards including radio single of the year, album of the year and group of the year.

Having received lots of notoriety, the group was invited to an interview at the radio station 104.5. As they were in the habit of doing, McCoy and his partner would ask the radio execs if there was anything they could do to help them. To their surprise, they asked them to write a music intro for a new radio show called the Freak Show. In just minutes, they came up with a tune and recording which continues to play to this day. Other opportunities were also afforded them including opening and running a game show called “Think Fast”. It was one of the sweetest deals they’d been promised as the company committed to paying for gas, hotels, food and other expenses. The first tour included traveling from Grand Rapids to North Carolina, then straight to Boston and on to Ohio. At that time, they were on a college tour which included 6 months on and 1 month off. They would later also do an award-winning mixed tape called Target Practice.

While on tour in 2008,McCoy would launch his film making career.
The movie entitled Tomorrow’s Never Promised was released at Studio 28 in Grand Rapids. It also included a soundtrack called 2NP (from the name of the movie). The movie was also shown at Celebration Cinema where it would outsell I Am Legend starring Will Smith. There would also be a launch party for the soundtrack in Ottawa Hills that was well attended and the music well-received. The soundtrack would later go on to receive numerous awards.

After the movie was released, McCoy would opt not to tour. With the onset of internet music and his kids getting older, he wanted to stay put. Consequently, his partner would move to California while McCoy stayed here to try and figure out how to make money without touring. During this time he produced videos for other artists and released an album with a hit song called I Rock that took off in Hawaii. Persuaded by his cousin to come to Hawaii and tour, he made a brief move to the area and performed at every club and venue available. There he launched Fireproof tv which featured himself as well as other hip-hop artists from Grand Rapids and other areas. This tv show received an award and his album was also nominated. Consequently, he sees himself as being instrumental in the beginning of hip-hop culture in Hawaii. In the future he hopes to release an album called Hawaiian Punch that he wrote while in the area with some of the locals.

While in Hawaii, he received a phone call from his good friend Chris Howard who was looking to open a nightclub in Grand Rapids. He would invite McCoy to come and manage the business. Although McCoy initially said no, he changed his mind because of the naysayers who said a nightclub couldn’t be successful in Grand Rapids. Nonetheless, the nightclub was a huge success and is still talked about to this day. IMG_0018After two years, he moved to Atlanta briefly and then came back to Grand Rapids where he hopes to stay at least until his children graduate from high school. Meanwhile, his passion for music had taken a backseat to some of his other endeavors such as television commercials. However, when working at the radio station, Robert S told him “no matter what, you have to keep rapping.” So while at the radio station, he put out an album which featured artists from Grand Rapids called The Momentum. This also drew him back to movie making which he loves. And because of musical scoring, he is still able to keep his hand in the music industry. In his personal life, McCoy strives for balance. He does his best to try to be home by 5 p.m. a few nights a week, and often takes his 2 year old to work with him. He further says he conditions his mind and convinces himself that he will be a filmmaker.
This philosophy he says came from watching Floyd Mayweather, Jr. run everyday saying he would be a champ.Watch @frequentvisitorsthemovie today @amazonprimevideo or @tubi click here: #frequentvisitorsthemovie
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